Ask Amy: How do I respond to boss’s inappropriate financial comment?

Ask Amy: How do I respond to boss’s inappropriate financial comment?

Dear Amy: I have a work-related question.

Every year my boss goes over my evaluation, and the evaluation is always positive. There is generally a small pay raise awarded to me at that time.

I respond by saying thank you.

But then my boss goes on to say, “I’ve refused my pay raise this year so you all can have raises.”

This has happened at least twice in the past four years.

I’m always at a loss for how to respond to that. It’s so awkward. Should I say, “Thank you”?

– Wondering Employee

Dear Employee: It is unprofessional for your boss to bring up others’ compensation (even their own) during your evaluation and salary discussion.

This person obviously wants you to feel (and express) gratitude for their stated sacrifice. You could respond by saying, “Thank you,” “I’m not sure how to respond,” “OK …,” or, “I’m sorry it has come to that.”

You can email Amy Dickinson at [email protected] or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068.